Ron ‘Boss’ Everline Explains How to Stay Consistent With Training

Ron ‘Boss’ Everline Explains How to Stay Consistent With Training

Deciding to put your all into getting fitter and healthier can be an empowering experience. Those initial workouts are fueled by a sense of excitement created by making positive changes to your lifestyle. But how do we stay consistent with our training several weeks after “life” once again takes over? Maybe you begin a new year’s resolution, then work gets busy and the novelty of working out has finally worn off. Ron Everline, aka “Boss,” a respected personal trainer and coach to Hollywood’s elite understands that staying consistent with training is one of the toughest aspects of our fitness journey. He believes, however that we can stay on the right path if we have the correct mental approach.

Fortunately, The Boss, who is also chief fitness and business ambassador at Cellucor, is able to share his mantras with Muscle & Fitness.

Ron Everline didn’t become a fitness pro without his own share of successes and failures. While he was unable to fulfil his initial dream of being called up to the NFL, he reignited his love of training after opening his first gym in Atlanta. Now, his “Just-Train” brand is recognized as a leading force in helping people to make positive physical and mental changes and today, the Boss has gyms in Cleveland and Los Angeles—both getting rave reviews.

He also coaches a long list of celebrities like Kevin Hart, Ne-Yo, and Diddy. Because Everline has weathered the low points in his life in order to find long term success, he’s able to inspire people from all walks of life when it comes to staying consistent with working toward their goals.

What Does Consistency Mean For Ron Everline?

If you’ve followed any fitness writers, personal trainers, or online influencers, the chances are that you’ve gotten used to the word “consistency.” It’s a common term when referring to “crushing goals,” but what does consistency really mean? And more important, how you can tangibly achieve it.? “I think it’s an action item,” explains The Boss. “Being consistent is a thought process in which you set out to accomplish something every day. And the task doesn’t have to be big, just be consistent on your journey. Find the little wins in there versus the quantum leaps, right?”

For Ron Everline, staying consistent is about finding sustainable workouts and not trying too much, too fast. He says that it’s about becoming a reliable person, athlete, or player, rather than someone who can be counted on just some of the time. The coach also advises that staying consistent doesn’t mean that you can’t adapt. If you find a training style isn’t working, then this information should lead you to switch things up until you finally find that sustainable and consistent path.

For clients like Kevin Hart, who because of long movie shoots find daytime workouts impossible, Everline’s learned that the late-night or early morning hours are the most realistic times to train. But when he’s not filming projects, Hart can work out in the daytime. So, being consistent is about being flexible not rigid. But no matter the circumstances, it’s about finding a way to keep moving toward your goals and having fun.

“So, consistency, to me, means a little bit of effort every day, Everline says. “But it’s [also about] the consciousness of the mind to say that you’re gonna give that effort every time you step out there.”

Understand the Art of Sacrifice

The Boss believes that making positive mental and physical changes shouldn’t require sacrificing your core principles and values. He also flips the idea of sacrifice on its head. Instead of seeing diet or abstaining from alcohol as a health and fitness sacrifice, take the view that you don’t want to sacrifice your long-term goals for a momentary drink or unhealthy meal. It should be your goals that you are not willing to sacrifice, rather than the distractions. When you focus on not sacrificing your hopes and dreams, it becomes easier to make the right decisions.

“What, ultimately, are you trying to get people to see about you, and the things that you are living your life to be?” asks the trainer. “When you’re going out to a party and you are saying, ‘I’m not drinking’ or ‘I’m not doing that,’ and there’s a goal, there’s going to always be something to celebrate. Don’t sacrifice (your goals), right?”

The Boss says that the only sacrifice you should be making is to sacrifice who you are now for who you can become in the long term.

Courtesy of C4

Admit Your Weaknesses in Order to Become Stronger

Through his work with C4 Energy, “Boss” Everline is passionate about the company’s “Be You But Better” campaign. It’s a campaign designed to inspire people to find the consistency that eludes so many of us. The coach says that missing piece of the puzzle is often our inability to admit our flaws. He also points out that many of us shy away from seeking advice when we need a helping hand. “Sometimes you suffer, because you didn’t just ask the question,” says Everline. “But there’s things that naturally we don’t know.”

As a professional fitness expert, Boss says that he is often seeking knowledge and asking questions of those around him. But he feels is that what halts many people’s progress is their pride and a fear of not looking smart. To stay consistent, we all must understand that knowledge is growth. And that in likeminded communities such as gyms, those around you are more than willing to share their own experiences. Training is an individual process, but you don’t have to go it alone.



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